Sunday, January 16, 2011

Confession Time:

Friday I didn't work out because I was out until way too late and Saturday I ate a chimichanga, chips and salsa and a churro.  It was the only thing I ate all day Saturday, but it still wasn't the healthiest thing on the menu I could have chosen.  I did resist the urge to get a Dr. Pepper though and man I WANTED IT!  I drank a whopping 64oz of water with that meal instead!  AND I worked out when I got home even though it was after 11pm and my tummy was still full.  I woke up at 4am with heartburn.  Lame.

Measurements are in the morning... we'll see if my missed work out and fried food ruined me.

1 comment:

Arya said...

I think you made a great choice considering you hadn't eaten all day...