Thursday, November 27, 2008


Ben, Skye, me :), Hubby

We double-dated last night and had a lot of fun, we watched a show at the Desert Star Theater and ate way too much yummy food. And Thanksgiving dinner was soooooo good. Yum yum. I had four pieces of pie :) And it made me happy.... lol

Since three of the four people in this picture are tracking their weight loss on this blog I thought I'd share what we all look like. The boxes contain the remains of our two streusels we ordered last night... Wow... they were like 12 inch dessert pizzas. I sent the leftovers home with my friends because I sure didn't want them at my house, especially since there would soon be pie. Skye ate streusel for breakfast today, but Ben was a good boy and just had cereal. Yah!

1 comment:

Momzoo said...

That sounds like so much fun!