Saturday, October 4, 2008


I had a question about which colon cleanse I'm doing, so I thought I'd answer it here :) Shiloah of the Homemaking Cottage has written a couple of times about her cleanse at the Homemaking Cottage and Hot Mama's. She used one from Health Plus. It's the super colon cleanse and after checking out all the different products at a health food store and talking to the people there, I decided to take Shiloah's word and order the same stuff she used. It's cheaper and seems a lot easier. It only took a couple of days to get here once I ordered it. Plus everything at the store should only be taken for only 2 weeks or so and I'd like to try for a couple of months. I can see how she lost weight on it. I seem to be in the bathroom after every meal now. I have had tummy cramps each time I eat, but they only last a minute.

I've always been someone who is tired all the time. I never seem to have enough sleep and even exercise doesn't energize me, so I'm hoping if I get rid of the extra crap (LOL... in this case it's literal) I've been carrying around I'll feel better.

Friday, October 3, 2008

October 3rd

I started my colon cleanse yesterday and had tummy cramps this morning :( No fun. We ate at Cafe Rio last night and I really wanted a quesadilla, but instead I ordered the salad (which I always get...LOL) It's super good, but also I figure if I'm gonna eat out I can at least eat lots of veggies although I know it probably has a million and one calories.

I haven't been working out much because I've been sick for over a week. It'll be hard to get back in the swing of things.

I weighed myself finally just so I know what I weigh before the cleanse. I'm not super happy with my weight lol. I'm doing a cleanse that actually lasts a couple of months, so it should really clean everything out and I wanted to see how many pounds are lost. I decided I'm not gonna hold anything back and the beginning of next week when I do my measurements I'll be posting them on my blog along with a picture and my weight. I figure there's no better motivation than that!

Monday, September 29, 2008


I measured myself this morning... I lost another 1/2 an inch on my tum and 1/2 an inch on my hips :) Waaa hooo!!! I ordered some colon cleanse today, so hopefully it arrives soon. It makes it much easier to keep eating right when I see results and I'm lovin' it! I'm on my way to meeting my goals.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Today Sept 28

I am very sick :( I feel crappy, but I'm still doing ok eating-wise. I did have fruit cocktail cake tonight after dinner, but I made it with whole wheat flour, cut the sugar in half and served it with fat free canned milk on top, everyone else ate it with ice cream. It was pretty healthy. I'll be doing my measurements tonight, but since I've been sick for several days, I don't know how accurate they'll be. I've also decided to start a colon cleanse this week. I'm scared!!! I don't especially want to see worms or parasites that are in me, but I know I won't be able to resist looking. Is it better to see them or to just have them hidden inside me? LOL