My measurements are so dang random... They keep going down in some places and up in others. This week I lost on my waist and hips and gained on my thighs and arms... uuugggghhhh
July 13-
waist: 39"
hips: 44 1/2"
r. thigh: 26 1/2"
l. thigh: 26"
r. arm: 15 1/4"
l. arm: 15 1/2"
August 24-
waist: 36 3/4"
hips: 44"
r. thigh: 25 3/4"
l. thigh: 25 1/4 "
r. arm: 15"
l. arm: 15 1/4"
I think I'm doing pretty good for being 6 weeks into into it.
Debugging JVM dengan JDB
1 year ago